
October 11, 2002 

Inspiration for the day

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Fr. Amulya, I.M.S. Meditation Centre, Punnapra, Alappuzha.

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His parents-given name is no longer significant.  His church-given name is Fr. Amulya.  But among the poor fishermen of Alappuzha, he is better known as ‘Thuni Achchan’, provider of clothing.

Fr.Amulya spent a good portion of his life in missionary activities in North India.  At the age of 63 he came back to Kerala and started his work here.  During his visits to houses he became painfully aware of the plight of the poor who had no means to cover their nakedness.

He arranged a bicycle and started visiting houses to collect cloths.  The next day he would visit the slums and fishermen’s huts to distribute the same. 

“Earlier the people were reluctant to donate cloths.  And the beneficiaries were keen to have new cloths.  And I was the target of both ires,” he says.

Slowly people came to know and appreciate his efforts.  The cloths started arriving at his place, the I.M.S. Meditation Centre, Punnapra, Alappuzha.

At the age of 83 he is active in the chosen mode of service.  Though he uses autorickshaw now instead of bicycle, his work continues with renewed vigour.

Fr. Amulya with a piece of cloth. 


Courtesy: Jolly Adimatra (text), A.K.Bijuraj (photo), Gruhalakshmi, May 2001

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