
August 27, 2016

Inspiration for the day

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Benedict, Vipin, Ernakulam

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Once, four persons were nominated as observers to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).  The only person from India was Benedict, an innovator from Vipin, Kochi.  Another one was from Orange Free State.  The third member, a Westerner, introduced these two to the fourth person in this manner:  “He is from Orange Free State and this one is from innovation-free State”.  The Westerner was hinting at the status of India, which was way behind at position 81, in the global ranking of countries by innovation.

And what prompted WIPO to have Benedict as an observer?  He is an innovator with more than 120 innovations to his credit.  He has won the national innovation award thrice in 2003, 2005 and 2007.

After obtaining degree in Mechanical Engineering, Benedict did not offer himself to serve any company.  Instead, he visited the factories from Thiruvananthapuram to Kasaragode and learned things at first hand.  He then continued his studies in the libraries and journals.

In the light of his studies and insights he was now able to innovate ideas.  These he published in magazines like Invention Intelligence, Machine Designer, Mechanical Engineer, etc.  Seeing his articles, many leading firms started inviting Benedict as a consultant.

As his financial status improved, he dreamt of an innovation centre for incubating his ideas.  What started with a 2-roomed tiled house 14 years ago, has now grown into a 3200 sq. ft facility.

Of his 120 innovations, Benedict has patented only 27.  And of these, he has commercially developed only 11.  Before every success there were many failures.  But to a mind fired by passion, these were only learning processes.

He has a dream.  To start an innovation college for super talented post graduate engineers.  Along with studies, they will provide solutions to big firms.  Their high salary will be sponsored by the companies.

Another innovation that this corresponding member of Geneva-based International Federation of Inventors has in mind is to start an innovation magazine. 



Courtesy:  Madhu Thripperumthura (text), Mathrubhumi, August 21, 2016

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