It was while traveling in the suburban trains of Mumbai that Rita Panikkar firmed up the decision about the direction of the rest of her life: to work for the working street-children. 24 years down the lane the children who have benefited from her decision touch tens of thousands in Delhi, Uttarakhand and Andaman & Nickobar Islands. ‘Butterflies’ was formed by Rita with the savings from her husband Jerry Pinto’s salary. And her first associate was Lakshmi, a relative of her housemaid. With the three of them and a meager budget, ‘Butterflies’ started fluttering. However, in the first year itself, they were able to lead atleast hundred children to the path of learning. Things slowly improved. And today there are hundreds of trained volunteers and willing philanthropists ready to be associated with the organization. She soon realised that the working street-children had to consume their daily earnings somehow or the other or else adults would snatch it from them and subject them to violence too. So ‘Butterflies’ decided to start a bank for these children. ‘Children’s Development Khazana’ (CDK) as it has been christened, is run by the children. In Delhi alone, it has about 900 members and they have together raised its deposits to 6 lakhs. Many children started celebrating their birthdays only after becoming members of CDK. Today there are CDKs in atleast 6 countries. And more countries are trying to adopt the model. Giving the gift of knowledge alone is not sufficient, she soon realized. For the children would easily relapse into their old habits. It was then that Butterflies started a vocational training programme. It helps students from Butterflies to get placements after their studies.
Courtesy:Viswanathan (text), Vanitha, March 1-14, 2013
"The truest wisdom is a resolute determination." |