
December 16, 2010

Inspiration for the day

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Sindhu, L.P.School, Ramankari, Alappuzha

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The stationary flower awaits the butterfly to bring it some pollen.  Perhaps in a similar manner, many spine-broken and heart-broken patients awaits the visit, encouragement and practical help of Sindhu, a teacher of L.P.School, Ramankari.  

She had not got into the act of offering solace and help to the debilitated, all of a sudden.  For many years, she used to spend her summer vacations at a vocational training centre in Thiruvananthapuram.  While joining the training courses there, she had only one wish: to be of practical help to the dream-lost ones.  By the time she had completed the course, she had mastered many skills like umbrella making, bathic painting, doll making, fashion designing etc.

One of the patients whom Sindhu has cheered back to life is Priyesh, a young plumber, who was paralysed below the waist following a fall.  After 5 years of intermittent sojourn in hospital, he was feeling life to be a burden on his torso.  One day Sindhu came to see him and presented him with a book.  She followed this up with inspiring stories of those who had let their different abilities flower.

One day she gave him a needle and few beads.  When his hands moved for the first time in five years to sew them, even Priyesh was wonderstruck.  It wasn’t long before the hospital became a design centre of ornaments.  When his mother wore these and walked in the wards, the demand for his creations started soaring.  And the hospital authorities, who normally discourage nurses wearing jewels, made an exception in the case of ones designed by Priyesh.

During holidays, Sindhu visits hospitals and homes to bring solace and jobs to the paralysed.  While few of her colleagues find her interests quixotic, perhaps her students understand her concerns better.


Courtesy: C.M.Biju (text), Jayesh (photo), Gruhalakshmi, August 2010
Contributed by: Administrator

"Good people walk  on,  whatever befall."