
February 4, 2006

Inspiration for the day

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George, Manimooli, Edakkara, Malappuram

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The 3rd innovation of 10th-standard-educated George is a manual tiller that costs just Rs.1000 but is capable of doing the 8-hour work of a man in half the time.  Earlier he had discovered a double-edged rubber tapping knife and had evolved an organic medicine to combat the fungal infection of cows.

Innovator George’s tiller has 6 blades.  The front blades dig into the soil and loosen the earth while the back blades break the clods and create furrows.  Add to this a wheel and a handle that is as long as a man’s height and we have the device complete.

Like in other tillers, here too the blades can be replaced.  Neither fuel nor electricity is needed for its working.  The wheel helps I easy transportation of the device from place to place.

It was after 10 years of effort that he has reached the present stage of its development.  The earlier innovation - double-edged tapping knife – was later accepted by the Rubber Board and popularized.

Courtesy: Karshakashree, May, 2001
Contributed by: Administrator 



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