
June 3, 2004

Inspiration for the day

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Sivanandan, Cerukara Thekkethil, Pathiyoor, Alappuzha

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The Hindi word for spinach signifies ‘one who sustains’.  In the case of Sivanandan, the cultivation of spinach (cheera) has more than sustained him during the last 20 years.  During this time he has been able to generate income to build a house, buy 40 cents of land and own 3 cows and 11 goats, all thanks to his cheera cultivation.

20 years ago Sivanandan resigned a small time job at Pune and started devoting time to cultivation of country greens.  Collecting a few seeds from a friend, he cultivated a small stretch of land.  The very first harvest was a success and that set the direction of his life.

As he progressed in agriculture with personal observations and experiments, honours and awards too started coming his way.  These include the inaugural award for the best vegetable farmer by the Pathiyoor Krishi Bhavan, the Pathiyoor Farmers’ Bank award, farmer award of the Canara Bank etc.

Sivanandan, who himself generates the seeds for cultivation, prefers organic manure for the cultivation.  At times when he is forced to use chemical fertilizers, he makes it a point to harvest the crop only after 6 days.   According to him, farming is a good method of cleaning the mind.  As one involves deeply in the cultivation, there will not be any time for bad thoughts to occupy the mind.


Courtesy: T.Sivakumar, Karshakashree, September 2003

Contributed by: Administrator


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